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Trading Post Maps

See our Trading Post Maps on

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"Native American" Tribes

This map is 11" by 8.25" (27.72 cm x 20.79 cm). It shows where each of the different Native American tribes were originally located across the United States and Canada. 

The maps are shiny on the front, but not on the back, similar to a postcard.

Order code:  R-127-01

Printed in China

"Native American" Symbols

This map is 11" by 8.25" (27.72 cm x 20.79 cm). It shows 32 different symbols of the Indian Nation including rain clouds, a cactus, animal tracks, and an eagle. This map also shows what each symbol means to the Indian Nation.

The maps are shiny on the front, but not on the back, similar to a postcard.

Order code:  R-127-02


Printed in China

American Indians and Alaskan Natives Wall Map

This map is 48" by 36".  It is printed on both sides.  One side shows the American Indians groups in the lower 48 states and the other side shows the Alaskan Native groups that reflect U.S. Census 2000 data. 

Order code:  R-127-50


Printed in the USA