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Smudging Materials

Left to Right: Smudging Materials & Card, 3-Sisters Bundle, and 4-Directions Bundle

See a 4-Directions bundle with a soda can.

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Create ready-to-use smudge pots using these smudging materials.

The Smudging Materials & Card package includes a small assortment of traditional smudging materials - sage (burned to drive out ill feelings or influences), cedar (burned to cleanse while praying aloud or silently), and sweetgrass (frequently burned after sage or cedar to bring in positive influences and energies) - and an accompanying card describing the smudging ceremony.

The 3-Sisters Bundles are comprised of sage, cedar, and sweetgrass, herbs commonly used in Native American smudging ceremonies. The bundles are approximately 12" to 15" long and 1.5" wide.

The 4-Directions Bundles are comprised of blue sage, cedar, sweetgrass, and lavender, herbs commonly used in Native American smudging ceremonies. The bundles are approximately 12" to 14" long and 1.5" wide.

Order Code   Description  Price
R-221-99 Smudging Materials & Card Buy on
R-221-90 3-Sisters Bundle
R-221-91 4-Directions Bundle

There are no export controls for these items. They are not for human consumption.

Non-Native Made in the USA

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